The human rights and citizenship competence are the basis of a society that seeks to act constructively in society, to promote changes, coexistence, encourage democratic participation, know your human rights this goes hand in hand with government sectors in which they have to implement and plan. this is important because that is how we look at this social part as well as the fact of evaluating our rights, duties and others.
What does it imply? in citizen competitions the aim is to promote values, peace and solidarity in societies at a general level .with knowledge and skills cognitive: that are attention,
autonomous, critical thinking, creativity and reasoning uses the knowledge and skills that have been learned the grow. Emotional : that refer that men, women and children participate in a democratic society. Communicative : that refers to effective and adequate behavior in a community that articulated with each other so that they act constructively in society. Citizen competitions establish that citizens defend, protect and enforce their human rights but the one way with points clear, criterion and respect the law.
It starts with children and a good quality of education giving them tools that teach them the importance of participation democratic, social and political. ” What is the legal framework of citizens’ competences? with base in the constitution political of the colombia of 1991 and law general of education the 115 of 1994.” for this law is very important to teach values without discrimination. all that with differents ends, structural contributing to changes. so for this society is fundamental the education is only way the transformation, the true changes of like we must act in the society, participation. detailing the human rights fundamentales with : right to life and equality .the constitution mentions the right to economic, social and cultural that are very important because are labour rights, right to education, rights for groups in need of special protection and indigenous populations. thus in the moment that your right is violanted know your rights and solution equitativa solution contribution in a social good.
To improve as a society to participate democratically in decisions, responsibly analyzing well, clearly questioning things, also thinking of a good education that starts from the formation of every child respecting and respecting being a responsible society, thinking that look for that change that fights for Your rights can be achieved with the empowerment of all citizens to organize a social good.
Ivonne Vanegas