Mainly citizens’ competencies seek to promote human rights, respect and integration of each citizen regardless of their social position. this obviously giving way to the development of coexistence.
Citizen competences ensure the correct integration of children, girls and young people. to deal in a certain way with teamwork, thus allowing everyone to express themselves and carry out their ideas and constantly develop their communication skills, respecting the thoughts of others by listening to them and including all opinions in their lives. it also addresses and clearly identifies the expression and management of the emotions of themselves and of others, carrying out all these values and integrating them into daily or daily life, not only personal but also public. It is also essential for correct decision-making, acquiring criteria, eliminating in a certain way various
factors that prevent young people and children from integrating themselves in healthy environments surrounded by knowledge, for which reason these competencies make favorable environments for all of them. the institutions usually use this means or this methodology to train people with nonconformist characters, who have their own critical skills and develop independence in the moral field.
it makes possible a lifestyle and an own plan, since the person must be autonomous, provided that the autonomy and the way of thinking of others are respected.Peace is also a foundation since, when the academic sector is included, it must always influence the proper integration of all students, carrying out peaceful coexistence, seeing it also from the political sphere. it is important to take into account the environments in which competences are fostered since they clearly indicate the environment of each person’s daily life, this also depends on aspects in which to improve, therefore it must be implemented in most possible environments.
Citizenship competencies have endless benefits that they do not only of the young people but also of the other people, people whose values and abilities are totally re-callable not only in the school or academic environment but also in the social structure in which they participate all the people, have a correct use of time to drastically improve the lifestyle of all the people that are included, respecting ideals, beliefs, thoughts, ideologies and above all to share all this in a peaceful environment in which the participation is escensial
Nicolas Quijano Payanene