From that we are small, we are taught of the way that we should act, behave, think, love, be and as we continue to growing we develop our personality freely. But what importance represent the development of our personality freely? important the word “free” the way you think, your tastes, everything according to you. when they prevent this when they force you to be part of models or standards that you do not want, when they do not allow our characteristics to be our own, when they believe that you be must be in a certain way, when our way of thinking or acting is limited they are denying the right to the free development of your personality. It’s of great impact and importance in a society already that when you do not go according to like others are your personality is affected because you feel that you are part of them, in other situations, there is discrimination, offenses, and mistreatment.
Culturally, differences are not respected in a certain way. Society has molded us to belong to be in the same way. This is also a way of controlling this is what the first image represents.
In the article sixteen of the Colombian constitution says “All people have the right to the free development of their personality without more limitations than those imposed by the rights of others and the legal order.” is refers to a fundament right.
if we respect, we do not discriminate anyone and we understand that the union of different personality has a greater focus to generate great changes and solutions. a better society would be generated, this expresses the second image.
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